Down under Dawn!

Author: Jacqui Green
Down under Dawn!A warm congratulations to Dawn French (form nother Dawn) on her new show in Oz and the new man in her life! and a big THANK YOU for wearing chesca from our violet story-- doesn't she look stunning -front page girl! This is part of her working wardrobe for her trip—it’s my favourite, and she is getting another in pink!

All about the dress - Celebrity Style

Have you seen looks we love--this dress is exclusively available on line-with the sleeves! and you can use these sleeves under any little black dress, or a violet bloom or a regal blue.... well , you get the picture...A new type of cover-up-which is sexy as well – ‘sleeves, please, Louise!’

Have you used our new feature in the search box--click colour (try violet) and see all the garments in the same co-ordinating story. Type knit for all the knitwear.

Buying something this month, get a £20 voucher to be entered in our a Autumn Draw-and win £50 or £100 of chesca items for your wardrobe. Just send your email and join our club--we love chesca and want you to love us too!

Best wishes
Jacqueline Dawn